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annotated bibliographiesの例文


  • In the Lands of the Romanovs : An Annotated Bibliography ).
  • Riling's annotated bibliography " Guns and Shooting,"
  • Evaluative annotated bibliographies do more than just summarising, they provide critical appraisals.
  • Understanding Gender in Agricultural Production : An Annotated Bibliography for the Case of Afghanistan
  • The book also includes an excellent annotated bibliography.
  • In 1993, his " Gemology, an Annotated Bibliography " was published.
  • The book includes an annotated bibliography of all articles on the subject published since 1880.
  • The book ends with an annotated bibliography.
  • A strong point of the book is a meticulous annotated bibliography of Willeford's writings.
  • In historical pages the user is assisted by having an annotated bibliography of the best resources.
  • Extensive bibliography ( up to 2004 ) by Nestor Luis Cordero; and annotated bibliography by Raul Corazzon
  • An annotated bibliography of GRASP can be found in Festa, G . C Resende ( 2002 ).
  • As can be seen from an annotated bibliography, there are very few recorded writings from this period.
  • In 2011 Vajda published a short annotated bibliography on Den?Yeniseian languages ( follow link below ).
  • There are 13, 875 citations in the annotated bibliography posted online, from the scientific to folklore references.
  • Annotated bibliographies give descriptions about how each source is useful to an author in constructing a paper or argument.
  • The book features an extensive annotated bibliography on ancient sources and over a hundred relevant illustrations with detailed captions.
  • Nelson draws on five archives detailed in copious quotations and a 65-page notes and annotated bibliography appendix.
  • Of particular interest is a reference in its well-annotated bibliography to an isomorphic, but imaginary, book.
  • The book includes nine chapters, an annotated bibliography of 45 titles, and an index in its 380 pages.
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